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Justice For Paul Howell
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) October 30, 2021
In this video, the Julius Jones case is examined including new revelations from his original attorney explaining the depth of the Innocence Project's lies about the case.
Go Woke
Go Broke
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up”
~Barack Hussein Obama~
"It's discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit."
— Lucy Watson (@imLucyWatson) October 12, 2013
"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."
~ George Orwell ~
According to @gofundme it was "as a result of multiple discussions with locals law enforcement and *police reports of violence and other unlawful activity*". ABSOLUTE LIES! I asked police officers live and they CONFIRMED there was no violence. Pure censorship. #BankruptGoFundMe
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) February 5, 2022
How can Brandon justify buying oil from Russia when we can produce all we need?
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) February 4, 2022
Yep - This is our Socialist mayor here in the Peoples Republic of OKC
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) January 22, 2022
What tangible improvement have you noticed in your life since the Washington Redskin name was abandoned?
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) January 17, 2022
How many members of Congress own stock in Moderna or Pfizer?
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) January 17, 2022
Mayor David Holt in downtown of the Peoples Republic of Oklahoma City in the summer of 2020, taking a knee in solidarity with BLM & Antifa in front of the police headquarters.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) January 16, 2022
Holt, a good portion of this so-called "infrastructure" spending is bullsh*it, and you damn sure know it!
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) August 11, 2021
Higher taxes/inflation & penalties for the O&G bus. are on the horizon & worthless politicians such as yourself are selling Americans "down the river."
Our leftie mayor !!
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) July 31, 2021
Might he come out of the closet some day ??
Unless Barry Switzer shapes up, the current regime may attempt to remove his statue at the University of Oklahoma unless he renounces his former views on gun control and standing for the National Anthem!
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) June 25, 2021
You have an admirable background for someone working at a coastal paper; but you are in the heartland. Much like our Ward 1 Councilgirl, most lifelong Oklahomans will view you as an interloper brought in as an outside agitator. Bring back the Gaylords.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) April 18, 2021
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) April 3, 2021
In the future, should readers trust anything they read in your far-left newspaper?
Do you still stand by Cameron Jourdan's reporting?
@Paycom CEO promised in a text to OCPA that he was going to come after the OCPA, talk about malice…
— Jonathan Small (@JonathanSmalI) July 28, 2021
Man, 18, charged for 'unprovoked' assault of Macy's manager in viral video
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) June 27, 2020
... just your average Hiden' Biden voter. #FoxNews
These would seem to be fair questions that deserve an answer:
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) January 16, 2021
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) January 7, 2021
Pravda Oklahoma @TheOklahoman_ names a guy from the paper in the Peoples Republic of Seattle as its executive editor.
This news rag has been going downhill for at least the last few years.
......Looks to me that OKC taxpayers could be getting shafted.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) December 8, 2020
Seems like a horrible business deal to lease 1.3 million sq. ft. for only $150,000 in years 1 & 2.
New adult leadership needed at City Hall?...
1/ The Oklahoman Newspaper "Freedom Index"
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) August 3, 2020
Ranked in order of those who seem most likely to appreciate advancing our freedoms
1 Jane Jayroe
2 Jack Money
3 Ed Godfrey
4 Berry Tramel
5 David Cathey
6 Ellie Melero
7 Joe Mussatto
8 Jenni Carlson
9 Richard Mize
10 Steve Lackmeyer
Ali Meyer's husband pictured with a mural of Che Guevara and she seems to have an affinity for Communist Cuba.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) July 27, 2020
The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, more. (via @RpwWilliams)
— Byron York (@ByronYork) July 15, 2020
h/t to @lcdollarjr
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) July 1, 2020
Massive voter fraud in Oklahoma with mail-in ballots??
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) June 10, 2020
Here is OKC's Communist Councilwoman seemingly blaming police last night for the riots & apparently oblivious to all the damage caused by rioters.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) June 1, 2020
It is as if she is rooting for more fires & vandalism.
Can’t believe you’re not blocked by him yet with these type of Steve-critical tweets. Historically He’s got a very hot block finger
— your mom goes to college (@melting_pizza) January 1, 2020
Unbelievable !!
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) February 6, 2020
Our Communist Councilwoman from the Left Coast @jospacebear spent valuable time objecting to the word, "Citizens."
Fortunately, more intelligent minds prevailed in this case.
I have a witness that personally heard you utter it 2 weeks before the election at a candidate forum at the 8th Street Church in Midtown.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) February 7, 2020
I just reconfirmed it. He said it was your answer to "If you could do anything you wanted in OKC."
Our relationship with Iran under Obama's leadership:
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) January 3, 2020
If Oklahoma City Mayor, David “Pajama Boy” Holt, and Oklahoma City Police Chief, “Wily” Wade Gourley, are going to refuse to obey state law, should the rest of us be allowed to “pick & choose” the laws we desire to follow?
Okla House Bill 1804 officially known as the Oklahoma Taxpayer & Citizen Protection Act 2007, is a strict anti-illegal immigration law.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) January 1, 2020
OKC Mayor David "Pajama Boy" Holt & Police Chief "Wily" Wade Gourley refuse to enforce it.
Oklahoma House Bill 1804 by Greg Karnes on Scribd
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) February 4, 2019
I suspect that most 40 year old geologists and petroleum landman are not going to be happy with Sleepy Joe destroying their livelihood.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) December 20, 2019
You kind of sense that OKC is heading down the tubes when the new Council lady is sworn in using a Marxist book. Naturally, as I understand it, she is a Carpetbagger from the Left Coast.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) September 28, 2019
Oklahoma City has a "1% for Art Ordinance" which requires at least 1% of the construction budget for every public project to be spent on public art.
Is this an unnecessary taxpayer burden that only could be appreciated by a California politician such as Gavin Newsom, or is it the highest and best use of precious taxpayer dollars?
As an example, MAPS 4 has budgeted $38 million for an animal shelter. Why in the world does it make responsible economic sense to require that $380,000 of taxpayer money be expended on artwork for an animal shelter?
Public Art in Oklahoma City by Greg Karnes on Scribd
Come on back weatherman Gary England. After all the kind words you said of me, what could I have possibly said to get on your bad side? Am I to conclude that you have gone over to the dark side and become a snowflake ?? Might weather forecasters have the thinnest skin of any creatures walking Planet Earth today, or could the "Twitter Gods" be engaging in some "tomfoolery" with my account ??
He retweeted two of your tweets within the last five hours...I just checked. Maybe it was an accident?
— Mary-Alice Morgan (@inthenow17) April 5, 2019
Despite being blocked, with an assist from Julian Assange, I have been able to tap into Weatherman England’s Super-Secret Twitter feed he desires to be hidden from my view:
Were I not blocked; I would add the following comments to Weatherman England’s Super-Secret Twitter feed:
Back in 1989, the UN only gave us 10 more years. Will people ever learn the hoax? Perhaps @AOC and her ilk has learned that some people will fall for just about anything.
— Greg Karnes (@realGregKarnes) March 19, 2019
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