June 28, 2016
Options for Federal Privatization and Reform Lessons from Abroad
A privatization revolution has swept the world since the 1980s. Following the United Kingdom’s lead, governments in more than 100 countries have transferred thousands of state-owned businesses to the private sector. Railroads, airports, energy companies, postal services, and other businesses valued at more than $3 trillion have been privatized. Governments of both the political right and left have unloaded state-owned businesses.
April 7, 2016
Privatizing the U.S. Postal Service
(Will the old business model ever be able to successfully compete in today’s business environment ??)
April 20, 2015
Alexander Hamilton and American Progressivism
Of all the American Founders, Alexander Hamilton argued most forcefully for a powerful and active national government. Today, he is considered by some, both on the left and on the right, to have been a forerunner of contemporary progressivism. However, a close examination of the historical context and his writings proves the contrary. Hamilton’s thought differs profoundly from the progressive ideas of the 20th and 21st centuries. His vigorous defense of private property, his understanding of the necessary limits of constitutional government, and—above all—his adherence to the natural rights doctrine all point to his essential conservatism.
Congress created the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in 2001. TSA’s main activity is operating security screening at more than 450 commercial airports across the nation, with 62,000 employees and an annual budget in 2013 of $7.9 billion. After more than a decade of experience, it is clear that the creation of TSA and the federal takeover of airport screening was a mistake. Auditors have found that TSA’s screening performance has been no better, and possibly worse, than private screening. And TSA has become known for mismanagement, dubious investments, and security failures. Most airports in Europe and Canada use private companies for their passenger and baggage screening. That practice creates a more efficient and innovative security structure, and it allows governments to focus on gathering intelligence and conducting analysis rather than on trying to manage a large workforce. Congress should seriously consider abolishing the TSA.
Privatizing the TSA.pdf
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