Until 1970, Black women were more likely to be married than white women
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 27, 2018
Then the welfare state kicked in thanks to LBJ’s great society
1965 black single motherhood was 21%
2018 black single motherhood is 77%
July 18, 2016
Do police shootings reveal racism or the incidence of crime? Black Lives Matter activists seem to think police shooting statistics should reflect population statistics. If 13 percent of the population is black, so the thinking goes, then something is wrong when 28 percent of the victims of police shootings are black. But, as Heather McDonald argues, police work isn’t randomly distributed among the population. The police respond to crime and most crimes are committed by blacks. “In America’s 75 largest counties, comprising most of the nation’s population, blacks constituted 62 percent of all robbery defendants in 2009, 57 percent of all murder defendants, and 45 percent of all assault defendants — but roughly 15 percent of the population in those counties.” She continues: “The data-driven, proactive policing revolution that began in the mid-1990s has saved tens of thousands of black lives that would have otherwise been lost to urban gun violence had crime remained at its early 1990s rate. Unfortunately, those crime gains are now at risk, thanks to the false narrative that police officers are infected with homicidal bias.”
July 18, 2015
Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database (From New York Post – Paul Sperry)
A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”
July 16, 2015
In today’s installment of "Social Justice Warrior" dictionary, the word is "Microaggression." Taught as a legitimate theory at Universities and tumblrs across the country, you’d think that everyone in mainstream America would know the meaning of "Microaggression". Only when we asked people on the street…
February 11, 2015
Radical Brownies Spread Message Of Social Justice In Oakland (I hear this troop gives out a badge for proficiency in Molotov cocktail throwing !!)
December 4, 2014
What the Numbers Say on Police Use of Force
When Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in 1994, legislators mandated that the attorney general begin studying and reporting on excessive use of force by police. Soon after, the Bureau of Justice Statistics developed a series of recurring studies that measured everything from police behavior in specific situations, like traffic stops, to incidents in which police use force. Much of the data was based not on reports by local police departments, but on direct surveys of citizens, providing some 20 years of information on how the police interact with American citizens, and how those citizens see the police.
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
September 26, 2014
A Conservative Vision For Social Justice
The American economy is splitting in two. Opportunity is plentiful for the wealthy and well-educated, but it is drying up for the bottom half. What can Washington do? After decades of research and hands-on experience, American Enterprise Institute President Arthur Brooks offers surprising solutions in this AEI Vision Talk.