March 22, 2016
Clinton Supports Obamacare for Illegal Aliens
November 1, 2015
Mother of Officer Killed by Drunk-Driving Illegal Alien Reveals the Response She Received After ‘Pleading’ to Meet With White House
October 19, 2015
2013 video shows Rep. Paul Ryan and Luis Gutierrez, plotting amnesty !!
Ryan’s retelling of history leaves out critical facts. The history of the United States is not one of immigration but assimilation.
… and yet another video of Ryan & Gutierrez promoting the idea of turning the United States into Mexico !! Should the United States morph into another Mexico as Ryan & Gutierrez seemingly desire, will the average taxpaying American be better off or worse off ?? What tangible benefit should the average American expect ??
September 30, 2015
Rep Luis V. Gutiérrez, one of Congress’ biggest dumbasses, on Wednesday called for expanding the Obamacare to cover all of the estimated 11 million illegal aliens in the United States. (A totally asinine and irresponsible move considering we will shortly be $19 Trillion in debt !!)
September 30, 2015
Justice for Bob Barry, Jr. ??
September 29, 2015
#WakeUpAmerica It's a FACT, Jack! #NoAmnesty #EnforceImmigrationLaws #AnchorBabies
— Lori Hendry (@Lrihendry) August 27, 2015
July 2015
Refugee Resettlement - The Lucrative Business of Serving Immigrants (From Capital Research Center - James Simpson)
Surveys of Americans show mixed views on immigration issues, and yet for the Left all immigration is good, no matter what laws or legislatures say. Major donors on the Left, which normally champion every kind of government regulation, support immigration without limits, and a number of large nonprofits reap not only private funding but millions of tax dollars in the resettlement business. Most Americans have never even heard of the programs that disburse these monies in their name. This report sketches the landscape and tracks the money flows.
July 29, 2015
Freed Illegal Charged With Rape, Murder, Attempted Murder...
Judge Blasts Illegal in His Court After Crime Spree
Murder, attempted murder, rape just some of the charges
July 23, 2015
Mom of Man Killed by Illegal Alien: Senators 'Nodded Off' at Hearing
July 22, 2015
Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders Since Obama Elected (From PJ Media – J. Christian Adams)
PJ Media obtained a never-before-released copy of a Texas DPS report on human smuggling containing the numbers of crimes committed by aliens in Texas. According to the analysis conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.
July 21, 2015
Watch as ICE Director Is Forced to Tell Ted Cruz He’s ‘Absolutely Right’ After He Disputes Her Claim During Hearing
July 20, 2015
Deportation's revolving door: Suspects in Lawrence shooting shouldn't have been in U.S.
July 15, 2015
AZ Sheriff Calls USA "Sanctuary Nation"
Blames Obama for not enforcing the law
July 14, 2014
Gowdy Shreds DHS Sec. Johnson Over Sanctuary Cities
"[San Francisco] sure as hell was not a sanctuary for a young woman walking with her father."
July 14, 2014
Disgrace: DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson Has No Idea Who Kate Steinle Is
July 13, 2015
Illegal Alien Found With Missing 13 Year-Old Girl
He Sexually assaulted the girl
July 12, 2015
HYPOCRISY - Harry Reid said in 1993 what Republicans say now about Illegal Aliens
July 10, 2015
Non-Americans commit over five times more serious crimes per capita than Americans
July 9, 2015
Map of Sanctuary Cities For Illegal Aliens
(If they don’t have to obey the law, then why should the rest of us ??)
July 7, 2015
July 4, 2015
Accused San Francisco Pier Shooter Should Have Been Deported: Immigration Officials
San Francisco released Francisco Sanchez because it is a "sanctuary city."
Kathryn Steinle, a 32 year old San Francisco woman, was shot and killed on Pier 14 in San Francisco as she walked with her father. Steinle is a former Pleasanton resident and Amador Valley High School graduate.
The killing, police said, appeared to be random. The gunshot pierced Steinle's aorta, her mother said, and Jim Steinle, the woman's father, tried to give her CPR as she lay wounded on the ground.
"She said, 'Dad, help me, help me," said Liz Sullivan, Steinle's mother, when reached by phone. "She was so young. This is just like a bad dream."
July 01, 2015
Countering Executive Amnesty (From Center for Immigration Studies – Stanley Renshon)
The president has engaged in unilateral executive action on amnesty without the consent of Congress. This formidable assault on the rule of law and the separation of powers can only be stopped through massive efforts by Congress and the courts.
June 20, 2015
R.I.P. - B.B.J.
We’re learning more about the man accused of killing KFOR Sports Director Bob Barry, Jr.
On Saturday afternoon, Bob Barry, Jr. was driving his motorized scooter southbound in the left lane on May Ave.
Police say 26-year-old Gustavo Gutierrez was in the right lane, also heading southbound.
Out of nowhere, police say Gutierrez made an illegal U-turn, trying to turn back to the north, and cutting in front of Bobby.
That illegal turn caused Bobby to slam into the driver’s side of the car.
“Bob Barry, Jr. didn’t have much time at all. I mean, he’s just coasting down the road when somebody just whips around in front of him,” said Capt. Paco Balderrama, with the Oklahoma City Police Department.
Bobby was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
On Wednesday, officials with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced that Gutierrez had been sent to Mexico from the United States multiple times in the past (What a shock !!).
“On June 21, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) placed a detainer with Oklahoma County (Oklahoma) on Gustavo Castillo Gutierrez, 26, from Mexico, following his arrest on criminal charges. Castillo Gutierrez has been voluntarily returned to Mexico three times, twice in 2010, and once in 2013,” a statement from the agency read. (Thank you Barack Obama !!!)
RIP to my dog @bbjsports @kfor @KFORsports @sportsanimal
— Scissorhands (@ScissorhandsOKC) June 21, 2015
If convicted, should the illegal alien be hung by his testicles from the rafters of the Chesapeake Arena (or perhaps stick him in a tree grinder, feet first) ??
We would be hearing Bobby's voice on the Sports Animal this morning and seeing his mug on the evening news had this guy only obeyed the law and stayed in Mexico !!
May 28, 2015
April 15, 2015
Senators Ask Gov’t How Many Illegal Aliens Got Social Security — The Number Is Almost Unbelievable
April 5, 2015
A new Obama administration program is FLYING illegal alien children to the US so they don’t have to make the trek on foot.
And you get to pay for it!
Millions of illegal alien children from Central America make qualify for the program.
And once the arrive in the US they children and families will qualify for free education, food stamps, medical expenses and living expenses.
Better yet, when State Department spokesperson Marie Barf was asked about the cost of the program. She answered, “The price tag? I don’t know.”
March 16, 2015
Countering Executive Amnesty, Part 1: The President’s Nullification of Immigration Law
The consequences of the president’s executive actions are nullification of the country’s basic immigration enforcement laws. The President’s memos, in effect, confer summary legalization on millions of illegal immigrants and institutionalize a set of priorities that excludes millions more in an effort to consolidate that understanding as the legal framework for future immigration enforcement. The president’s executive amnesty memos have the consequence, and perhaps the intent, of essentially nullifying ordinary immigration law enforcement. These executive immigration amnesties envision, and are designed to bring about, a future in which there are no illegal aliens, and almost all those who come here illegally will have access to the administrative means to change their immigration status to “legal”. If the president and his administration are successful it will mark the end of immigration enforcement as we have known it.
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
February 27, 2015
The President’s Executive Actions on Immigration and Their Impact on Federal and State Elections
The U.S. already has a problem with noncitizens being able to easily register and vote in our elections with little chance of detection or even prosecution when they are detected. Obama’s executive action will not only provide deferred action for aliens, but will also provide them with social security numbers and employment authorization documents or work permits. With an estimated five million illegal aliens being granted government identification documents and social security numbers, the problems associated with noncitizens and elections will increase exponentially. When combined with the history of the Department of Homeland Security’s prior reluctance to fully cooperate with election officials’ attempts to verify the citizenship status of registered voters, it will be extremely difficult for election officials to prevent or detect those who intentionally or negligently affirm their eligibility to vote on voter registration forms and vote in local, state, and federal elections.
Adobe Acrobat document [4.8 MB]
February 25, 2015
A Review of the Department of Homeland Security Policies and Procedures for the Apprehension, Detention, and Release of Non-Citizens Unlawfully Present in the United States
There are several short-term actions which congress can take to address enforcement needs. Congress can restrict Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appropriations so that no funds may be used to implement any executive actions or policy directives that prevent enforcement officers from performing their jobs. Congress can also authorize and direct the Border Patrol to keep illegal border crossers in custody in the immediate border region. Additionally, congress can clarify the authority and imperative for the transfer of aliens from local to federal custody for enforcement and provide funding for an increase in detention capacity for immigration enforcement agencies. Congress may also withhold approval for any relaxation in visa issuance procedures, interview requirements, or visa waiver program expansion until anti-fraud programs are enhanced. Finally, congress can clarify the categories of aliens
Adobe Acrobat document [268.2 KB]
September 8, 2014
The cost to educate young illegal immigrants over $761 million - a bill for all 50 states
Adobe Acrobat document [270.8 KB]
June 17, 2011
Dan Pfeiffer, White House Communications Director, insists that Obama does NOT have the authority to grant amnesty to illegal aliens.